The VA has finally approved EFT! Read about it here.
Guidelines for Treating PTSD with EFT
Legends 102.7, WLGZ, Rochester, NY, 07/02/17
First of all, Thank You for your service, your sacrifices, and a job well done. AND, especially if you served in combat, or a combat zone, or overseas, WELCOME HOME! If you were deployed to a combat zone or experienced traumas in the line of duty you may be experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST) or Moral Injury (MI).
If you are a veteran with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST) or Moral Injury (MI), please contact me ( 585-704-0376) regarding the services I offer/provide, or go to one of the web sites below to find non-VA assistance sometimes at little or no charge. The invisible wounds you are experiencing will not heal over time unless they are addressed, and EFT is the best drug-free treatment available.
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The following videos may trigger veterans with PTSD.
A brief history of Dan. He served as a sniper for 12 years. He had experienced 9 different healing modalities without much success. When I evaluated him for PTSD he scored 70 out of a possible 85 on the PCL-M evaluation tool. At the end of the interview with Kevin Doran, we had 15 minutes left, so I led him in tapping on a very painful memory that haunted him. When he came back for his first full session, he gave the following report: "In the past, when I started treatment with another doctor or clinician, I always ended up in the hospital. This time, I did not!"
At the end of treatment, his PCL-M score was 24, well below the clinical threshold of 50. All of this was accomplished in 6 hours simply by addressing memory after memory after memory, so these were very structured, atypical counseling sessions. This speaks to the profound and quick results that EFT can often provide.
I too, am a veteran, as is my father. I served in the 1st Signal Brigade, 369th Signal Battalion, in Long Binh and then Saigon from August of 1970 to August of 1971. It was a terrifying time for me, even though I never saw combat, because the war in Vietnam was all over the place, all the time, just like in Iraq now. I was 21 at the time and married.
My father, Salvatore (06/22/1925 - 09/14/2011), served in the Philippines during World War II for the duration of the war. I think he was there close to two years. I'm not sure if he saw combat, and I know he saw some of the results of combat. He's never spoken much about it. Physically, he survived. Emotionally, he is a very wounded man. So was I, and my wounds and issues remained dormant until the first Gulf War took place in 1990.
The reason for this page is simple; to provide some information and avenues of healing for the men and women of our armed forces. You are not alone, nor do you have to be alone with your pain and experience. It's a choice you make whether to be alone or not. If you choose to be alone with your pain and experience, it will not go away with time. Contrary to the popular belief that time heals all wounds, time only heals the physical wounds, not the spiritual, mental or emotional wounds. If you choose to not be alone then there is help available for you from many organizations.
If you choose to get help, then do so as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more difficult life becomes. I'm telling you from experience. I waited too long. Why? Because I was a man, I was OK, and I didn't need any help, nor did I want any help. I didn't even want to talk about my experience. I just wanted to forget about it, let it go, and let it go away. It didn't. It sat there festering. Ironically, what I didn't want to do was exactly what I needed to do, in part, to start the healing process. Thank God, I was already in therapy for some other issues when the PTSD erupted.
If you have been in a combat zone, or in combat, then you have been emotionally, spiritually, and mentally wounded. If you were physically traumatized in the line of duty at any duty station, combat related or not, you have also been emotionally, spiritually, and mentally wounded. These non-physical wounds can also be healed. Again, I am telling you from experience.
I also want you to know that there is no greater strength and courage than to reach out and say I need help. There is no shame in what happened or is happening to you because it is not your fault. PTSD is not a mental illness. It exists as a physical response to extreme stress, that if left untreated, turns into mental illness like depression and anxiety.
So, where do you go for help? There's always the VA, and if you are like me, I didn't and still don't trust them or want anything to do with them. Traditionally, they are under funded, understaffed, and behind in technology. Many have questioned the VA's ability to meet the needs of those coming home from combat zone deployment.
To me the VA also represents additional betrayals of trust. Many times, men and women have put their lives on the line for our country, only to be denied services or lied to about agent orange and other things of this nature. Because of this, I chose to go the private practitioner/private pay route.
Today, there are many new technologies available to help overcome PTSD, and most of them are only available through private practitioners. The VA won't have anything to do with them because of the lack of research, and they don't want to accept documented, demonstrated successes, even though it could benefit them in the long run by saving time, money and lives.
As a private practitioner, I have these tool at my disposal and have witnessed my own healing as well as the healing of my clients, beyond my dreams. I can help you heal your wounds and the wounds of others, quicker and easier than what the VA can offer you, if they offer you anything. Debriefing and/or medication are not enough. We can accomplish your healing via individual counseling or in group format.
If you are unhappy with the VA services, or unwilling to go to them for what ever reason, give me a call at 585-704-0376 or use the contact form to send me an email. There is also a YouTube video titled "6 Days at the VA" demonstrating this technique on Vietnam Veterans so you can see for yourself. Please be aware that the video may trigger you if you have PTSD.
If you want rapid relief from your experiences, I can help and I'm a phone call away: 585-704-0376